Wednesday, June 16, 2010


With World Impact Italy 2010 coming up in two and a half weeks our team is working hard at hashing out the final details for the trip. We are preparing mime and music teams as well as learning how to teach ESL so we can do this effectively while we are in Italy. Personally, I have been doing preparation for the music team because I am that team’s leader. We are meeting together to come up with songs that we can possibly perform as park ministry, as well as songs for team devotionals. I have also been more intentional about looking for ways to share my faith with friends that I know. Specifically I have been talking with one friend who isn’t very open to the gospel; however talking with him has helped me to really get to know his life story better. This has shown me ways in which I can show him God’s love in ways I would not have known before. It has also taught me that we need to love people before we share the gospel, because without God’s love flowing through us we will not be nearly effective as we could be for Christ. I am looking forward to continuing to do this in Italy as well.
Whenever a new opportunity presents itself it is exciting, yet there will always be uncertainties. This trip is no exception. However, these uncertainties give us a chance to trust God, and allow him to demonstrate his provision for us. The camp we are helping to put on at the YFC center in Italy is the first of its kind. We do not know how many students are going to show up, and how responsive the students will be to our ESL training and lessons. The lesson plan, schedule, and activities are all subject to change so we are going to need to be flexible. Another item of uncertainty for me is travel. We are transferring flights and airports on the way over, in which we will hope no luggage is lost, as well as hoping that our airline carrier (British Airways) does not go on strike again. We are praying that God will help us to be flexible and effective and that he will work out his plan for the trip, which may not necessarily be ours at the moment.
As our team anticipates the departure to Italy we have so much to look forward too. We are going to experience a whole different culture and meet brothers and sisters in Christ from a different part of the world. To join our voices in worship to the living God with people thousands of miles away from us that we may not see again on this side of heaven is going to be an awesome experience. I am also looking forward to talking with the students who come to the YFC center’s camp. Listening to the youth’s life stories and trying to show them the gospel with be no doubt challenging, but I believe very rewarding. Seeing how Christ is working halfway around the globe will no doubt be an eye-opening experience, and one that I hope with strengthen my faith, and demonstrate to me the power of Christ’s name worldwide.

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