It has been fun preparing for this trip, and this wonderful opportunity God has given us to reach the people of Italy. As many of you know, we will help run an English camp in Bologna that's intended for teens ages 12-15. There have been many meetings to prepare for this camp. We are mainly in charge of coming up with activities, games, and skits that relate to the day's English or Bible lesson. Preparing for these lessons has taken more time and thought than I originally thought it would. We have chosen fun games that we in our team like to play, and have had to tweak them to make them more simplified for a non-primary English speaker. As a group, we have told ourselves that we will have to be able to go with the flow and be willing to make changes to our original plans. Our group has really shown it's creativity and hard-work whenever we meet. I believe that through this preparation we have become stronger in our team unity, and have shown our willingness to serve.
Whenever our group would leave a "camp" meeting I always prayed that God would use those activities to draw in the campers, so that we may share the Gospel further. Currently, we know that there are 5 campers signed up, and we hope that there will be more, but you never know what God can do in the future by telling just a few people. I think that the camp will go smoothly after the first couple of days and will be successful at helping the teens learn English, while incorporating God's Word. I expect that everyone will do their part and will be willing to help out in different areas. This isn't your typical VBS camp because we believe most of these teens are 'un-churched', so we hope that this camp will help participants to become more interested and enthusiastic about Him. I expect God to use this English camp to plant a seed in their hearts towards Christianity and wanting to pursue this faith more. I also believe that with this camp, our team will be able to create a close bond with the teens who attend, making it easier to want to share the Gospel, and lead them to Christ. This is the camp's first year, and we hope to help set the foundation for more camps to take place in the future so that more people will learn about Him and will be able to proclaim that Jesus is their Savior.
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