Thursday, July 8, 2010

God Protects

Bon journo from recent Bologna hospital patient! I hope you are all doing well and that you had a fabulous Fourth of July. While you were celebrating at back yard barbeques and enjoying the fireworks, we continued to work with the kids at camp, playing games, teaching English, and building relationships through the love of Christ. Each day we begin camp with a game; on Tuesday it was Sharks and Minnows. The kids were really into the game and had a ton of fun, but unfortunately their game was cut short by an accident…When I ran across the field, I smacked into Mr. Stough and cut my nose open. I found out that head wounds bleed quite a bit, so it was not a pretty sight. My traumatizing injury resulted in an exciting trip to the emergency room. And just so you know ahead of time, I’m fine!
Italian hospitals are just like American hospitals…50 years ago, but at least all services were free! It was actually really interesting to see how an Italian hospital was run, and how it differed from CDH. First, any patient who enters the emergency room is classified according to the severity of their injury. The groups were white, green, yellow, and red in the order of importance, and I was green. They directed the waiting patients to sit in a long hallway until they were called. The hallway was lined with gurneys which contained patients with a range or wounds from broken fingers to third degree burns.
My trip to the emergency room was worth it for two reasons: I got to ride in a wheelchair, and I got to ride in an ambulance!! My nose injury wasn’t dramatic enough to merit my ambulance ride through. The hospital building is so old that different departments are not connected. Therefore, they transport patients by ambulance. Regardless, it was very exciting. The doctors gave me three stitches and a very stylish nose cast to wear until tomorrow. It even seems that my injury has turned out to be a blessing because it has opened doors for me to share my faith with the kids at camp. They assure me that I will come home back to normal and scar free. Caio!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. marco said...
    Hannah was incredibly brave... she's amazing! She's already able to laugh about it and very optimistic. We are so grateful for her and the whole team!!
